Author Archives: Editor Frigeri

30 APR

Frigeri wins new Dryer FL Front Panel 4 transfer dies contract

Guastalla, Italy, 22 April 2013. Frigeri has won a contract to supply the design and manufacturing of 4 transfer dies to produce a new Dryer FL Front Panel model destined to the global market. The contracted lead time will fall due on October 2013.     …
29 MAR

Frigeri wins new Washing Machine (front loading) Front Panel 5 transfer dies contract

Guastalla, Italy, 18 March 2013. Frigeri has won a contract to supply the design and manufacturing of 5 transfer dies to produce a new Washing Machine (front loading) Front Panel model destined to the global market. The contracted lead time will fall due on September …
15 FEB

Frigeri wins new Oven Inner Door 8 transfer dies contract

Guastalla, Italy, 3 February 2013. Frigeri has won a contract to supply the design and manufacturing of (4+4) 8 transfer dies to produce 2 new Oven Inner Door 60×60 cm & 90×60 cm models destined to the global market. The contracted lead time will fall due on …
23 JAN

Frigeri wins new Oven Front Frame & Removable Bottom 10 transfer dies contract

Guastalla, Italy, 11 January 2013. Frigeri has won a contract to supply the design and manufacturing of (5+5) 10 transfer dies to produce 2 new Oven Front Frame & Removable Bottom 60×60 cm & 90×60 cm models destined to the global market. The contracted …
30 NOV

Frigeri wins new VTC Frame transfer dies contract

Guastalla, Italy, 23 November 2012. Frigeri has won a contract to supply the design and manufacturing of 4 transfer dies to produce a new VTC Frame 6o cm model destined to the european market. The contracted lead time will fall due on July 2013. …
12 NOV

Frigeri wins new Oven Support progressive die contract

Guastalla, Italy, 7 November 2012. Frigeri has won a contract to supply the design and manufacturing of a 11-stations progressive die to produce a new Oven Support destined to the european market. The contracted lead time will fall due on January 2013. …
04 SEP

Frigeri wins new Dishwasher Outer Doors transfer dies contract

Guastalla, Italy, 3 September 2012. Frigeri has won a contract to supply the design and manufacturing of 8 transfer dies to produce 2 new 60 cm Dishwasher Outer Door models destined to the european market. The contracted lead time will fall due …
30 JUN

Frigeri wins new Dishwasher Outer Door transfer dies contract

Guastalla, Italy, 22 June 2012. Frigeri has won a contract to supply the design and manufacturing of 4 transfer dies to produce a new 45 cm Dishwasher Outer Door model destined to the european market. The contracted lead time will fall due …
23 JUN

Frigeri wins new Microwave Oven model transfer dies contract

Guastalla, Italy, 22 June 2012. Frigeri has won a contract to supply the design and manufacturing of transfer dies to produce part of a new Microwave Oven model destined to the european market. The contracted lead time will fall due on …
08 JUN

Frigeri wins new Cooker Control Panel progressive die contract

Guastalla, Italy, 8 June 2012. Frigeri has won a contract to supply the design and manufacturing of a 12-stations progressive die to produce a new Cooker Control Panel  destined to the european market. The contracted lead time will fall due on September …